A manual for

your mind.

Life is unpredictable and can sometimes feel completely overwhelming. Wouldn’t it be nice if it came with instructions? With Unwinding by Sharecare, learn science-based practices to gain an understanding of what holds you back, so you can move forward and start living a healthier, happier life.

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Unlearn old habits. Form better ones.

Too often, we move through life without understanding our actions, believing ourselves to be powerless to change. But the truth is, you’re capable of shifting your behavior — all you need are the right tools and practices to help you build awareness of what’s happening in your head. Unwinding by Sharecare offers a science-based approach for getting to know your thoughts so you can live life to the fullest.

Unwind Your Mind


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All together, better.

Everyone lives better, longer — that’s the vision. Sharecare brings together the many different elements of health for you, your family, and your community. Connect the many pieces and people that impact your health with one app.

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Know your brain inside and out

  • Unlimited access to exclusive courses
  • 100+ guided awareness exercises
  • Extensive library of award-winning visual relaxation videos
  • Live events with Dr. Jud Brewer and other world-renowned experts
  • Exclusive sleep-specific meditations and soundscapes

Grow into the best version of yourself.

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Dr. Jud, leading behavioral and mental health expert

Unwinding by Sharecare is based on $13 million in scientific research at Yale, MIT and Brown University by New York Times bestselling author and neuroscientist Jud Brewer MD PhD (“Dr. Jud”) into how our brains work, how to change behavior, and how to improve our mental health.

More About Dr. Jud

A manual for

your mind.

Life is unpredictable and can sometimes feel completely overwhelming. Wouldn’t it be nice if it came with instructions? With Unwinding by Sharecare, learn science-based practices to gain an understanding of what holds you back, so you can move forward and start living a healthier, happier life.

Download Now

@2021 Sharecare, Inc.

*Taxes and Fees may apply. Prices may vary based on your country

@2021 Sharecare, Inc.

*Taxes and Fees may apply. Prices may vary based on your country

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